Vendor Portal

Streamline vendor management

Onboard and collaborate with vendors in one central hub

Companies today are more extended than ever — and employees often work day in and day out with a broad range of contractors, vendors and suppliers. But when you work outside of traditional corporate boundaries, it's easy for content to become fragmented and even lost across different personal hard drives, file shares and email attachments. That's where Box comes in. With Box, you get a solution where teams can easily and securely collaborate with vendors in one central, online hub. Contracts, design specs, inventory docs  and other key files are easily accessible from any device so you can power your business seamlessly in the cloud. 

Streamline vendor collaboration

Get the most out of your vendor relationships with seamless collaboration on Box. Use Box Relay to automate repeatable workflows like vendor onboarding and offboarding. 

Boost productivity

Give employees and vendors access to the information they need, when they need it, so they don't have to waste time searching for the right file.  

Lock in your security

Use granular permission controls and advanced security and compliance features to protect your content. Leverage Box Governance to classify sensitive files and ensure all vendor content is properly retained. 

“The security aspect is a major consideration for us, but also for our partners and suppliers. We use the cloud service to create one place to go. You get access to all the information you need, including invoices.”

— Fritz Wetschnig, CISO, Flex

Key capabilities

Integrate seamlessly

Leverage over 1,400 integrations with services like DocuSign, Nintex and NetSuite to enable collaboration with vendors. 

Customize using Box APIs

Use Box Platform's robust suite of APIs and SDKs to build a customized vendor portal tailored to your users.

Control content access

Protect sensitive data with global security controls, granular file permissioning, watermarking and more. 

Locate content faster with metadata

Automatically generate metadata on each piece of content with Box Skills. Then, vendors and collaborators can easily search for content using keywords.

Preview files

Whether you're looking at photos of a work site or reviewing a CAD/CAM file, Box can support over 120 different file types.

Access on demand

Vendors and employees can access critical content right from their desktop or mobile device. 

Ensure security and compliance

Use Box's retention features to meet compliance standards, create legal holds for defensible eDiscovery and protect your content with granular permissions controls.

Track analytics to optimize usage

Track usage and generate reports on file activity from Box's admin console so you can get the most out of Box.

Extract insights

Use Box Skills to enhance vendor resources such as enablement videos, vendor agreements, contracts, and improve vendor engagement with machine learning

Related content

Explore how Flex created a centralized vendor portal

With Box, Flex was able to build an vendor portal to onboard vendors from multiple locations and share the most up-to-date BOMs and contracts.

Read the story
Customize your vendor portal with Box Platform

Use Box Platform to build a customized vendor portal or integrate with your existing supplier and procurement systems. 

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Ensure compliance and security with Box Governance

Leverage Box Governance to meet compliance standards, protect your business's reputation and prevent security leaks.

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Digital transformation for retail businesses

Retailers often rely on complicated supply chains to fuel their business. With a centralized vendor portal, content stored on Box is secure and accessible from anywhere so retailers can have seamless digital workflows. Learn more about how Box helps retail businesses modernize digital workflows.

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Digital transformation for construction

From blueprints to supply lists to CAD/CAM files, content provides the foundation for construction work. With a centralized vendor portal, construction firms can finally have a single source of truth and access their files from anywhere, from the boardroom to the work site. Learn more about how Box helps construction companies modernize digital workflows.

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