Box and DocuSign
Extending secure content management and collaboration to the agreement management process

Execute and store it, easier and faster than ever
DocuSign helps you collect information and payments, automate workflows, and execute any agreement, anywhere, anytime. Box for DocuSign allows you to easily create a document, red-line it, share it, execute it with DocuSign, and save it to Box for secure storage and sharing.
Quick access on any device
You can easily review, comment, approve, and execute agreements with DocuSign on any device. All copies are automatically stored in Box, so you always have the latest version on hand.
Enterprise-class security controls
Box and DocuSign offer robust security controls and authentication options, enabling admins to add and manage users, set granular permissions, run audit reports, and control security settings.
End-to-end visibility and management
DocuSign pulls metadata from your Box files, including access information and version updates, and maintains transaction history. You can also correct and void documents that have already been sent out.
Business-wide impact
From human resources sending customized offer letters to sales finalizing contracts and closing deals, DocuSign and Box help businesses do real work faster and more efficiently.

“Box is the best example of an enterprise platform that serves the needs of the businesses who operate our schools because of its simplicity, elegant user interface, and tight integration with so many of our apps such as Google, NetSuite, Okta, and DocuSign.”
Evan Trent, VP of Digital Strategy and Tech, School of Rock