Mastering AI for your business

64% of business owners believe that AI will improve productivity in their organizations. The benefits of mastering AI for your business can be game-changing, but there are many points to consider. Security, compliance, and collaboration are just a few of the many challenges business face today when deciding on how to implement an AI solution across their organization. Using Box and Google Cloud to provide responsible AI for content creation, analysis, workflows and more are not only an effective way to start your AI journey, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re using AI solutions built with compliance and security at the core. Download this ebook to discover why Box and Google Cloud have partnered to provide enterprise-grade AI that includes seamless workflow management, advanced data protection, and granular control over AI access. 

In this ebook, you’ll learn about: 


  • Seamless workflow management with Box Content Cloud and Google Vertex AI 
  • Advanced data protection through trusted security features 
  • Granular control over AI access to ensure safety, ethics, and effectiveness